Agneta Olsson
A multi-certified coach, I founded Blue Cabinet as a space to combine my global executive leadership experience with a passion for empowering individuals, teams and organisations.
A Swedish citizen and global nomad, having worked across multiple geographies and lived in Singapore, Shanghai, and Holland, I believe that no matter where we live in the world, as human beings we have a need to be seen, heard, and valued to do our best work.
Since we are conditioned by the society and the culture where we grew up, leaders who bring humility and curiosity to work are better able to unlock the potential that every individual and team holds.
I’ve personally experienced the full spectrum of company cultures – from thriving to toxic, and understand firsthand the impact culture and leadership have on employee performance and wellbeing. Culture & Leadership are two sides of the same coin, and it's difficult to create one without the other.
"Organisations flourish when people come first"
Apart from having a strong vision, clear communication and authenticity - modern leadership is able to leverage the essential qualities of empathy, kindness, and flexibility.
Life is for living, so when not working I spend time with my husband, family and friends - in Singapore and all over the world. I enjoy travelling and visiting beautiful places, exploring diverse culinary adventures - preferably with a glass of champagne.


Building blocks to unlocking individual & team excellence
When individuals are seen, heard and valued we can do our best work and connect with others for collective brilliance.
Each building block works on the individual and team levels to:
Ignite inspiration, engagement, and commitment
Build a culture of collaboration and trust
Sustain growth and development
1. Purpose
Knowing what you want and why is the first step to acheiving greatness. We begin by asking.
What do I/we want to achieve?
What do I/we value?
What am I/are we here to do?
What makes me/us fulfilled?
These simple but essential questions help to establish the essence of who we are and the impact we want to make in the world.
2. Personality
Our uniqueness is our strength. When we bring our whole selves, magic happens, and we get incredible results. We are professional and personal, all in one person. Daring to connect personally builds trust and leads to greater collaboration and opportunities.
Together, we:
Get to know our strengths to leverage our unique competitive edge.
Build up the courage to own our personality
3. Perspectives
Listening, opening up, and being curious about other viewpoints expands our window into the world.
Bringing more ideas to the table and diverse perspectives on a topic will create new directions and allow an organisation to reinvent itself.
We’ll work on:
Developing skills and practices to strengthen our abilities to really hear our teammates.
Make inviting alternative approaches part of our process.
Learn productive conversation techniques.
4. Pioneer
No change happens in your head alone. The dreams and goals outside your comfort zone require you to tread new ground – to be a pioneer.
We develop a mindset of experimentation, learning and growth.
You will:
Get comfortable with discomfort to expand your zone of play.
Master a new repertoire and access new resources for creativity.
Why the BlueCabinet ?

When I embarked on the journey to establish my personal brand, I was certain that "Agneta Coaching" didn't quite capture what I was aiming for. I wanted something more fun. Something to symbolize who I am and what I’m about.
One evening with friends, amidst laughter and talking about Swedish idioms (as you do), inspiration struck. As we unpacked the delightful absurdities of these linguistic gems, specifically one idiom involving a blue cabinet, it suddenly hit me – I am the Blue Cabinet!
My brand name and logo, a blue cabinet, were born.
Looking into the origin of the idiom, I discovered that in olden-day Sweden, households used to have cabinets painted in the traditional "Falu-red" colour. Meanwhile, the nobility favoured a striking (and expensive) Prussian blue for their cabinets. With hard work prosperity grew and people upgraded from red to the sought-after blue cabinets. Here they put their most valuable possessions.
To me in my coaching practise, the Cabinet is a symbol of pride and progression, while the colour Blue is a symbol of calm and cool, trust and reliability but also freedom, inspiration and wisdom. A Cabinet is also a group of leaders leading together, blue the colour of the Swedish flag, and so many more things. In short – absolutely perfect!
So, what is the idiom you might wonder? Pardon my French or in this case Swedish.
The idiom is: “Nu har du skitit I det bla skapet”, literally translated as:
"Now you've had a shit in the blue cabinet."
It's a comical telling-off: "You've crossed a line!" (and you can’t uncross it).
Imagine the scene: in bygone days, in the darkness of night, confusing your chamber pot with the cherished blue cabinet would be the height of foolishness.
Super silly, but fun!
When a Swede hears the idiom, you may see a faint smile emerging.
What holds value for you as a leader and organization?
What do you keep in Your Blue Cabinet?
I'm here to help you put your best self on display and unlock your brilliance indefinitely.